Saturday 28 of March 11-12.30 (Madrid time)
YIN FOR BODY & FASCIA -workshop.
We invite you to practice yin to open and nourish your body and hydrate the fascia. This is a workshop of functional yin, fascia, and muscular chains using tools of breathing, Qi-energy, Taoistic principles, Chinese Medicine and mindfulness. Come and learn about more open and energetic you!
FASCIA is a fluid network that binds, holds and connects all together. This connective tissue lives between each cell in the body, surrounds every muscle, bone, organ, blood vessel and nerve. It covers all long muscle chains that run all over our body. Fascia is fibers mostly made from collagen. It is also connected to our neurological system, mental and emotional form.
Practicing yoga helps us to understand and feel our own body, our form. Yoga helps us to hydrate fascia which without practice becomes stiff, weak and stuck. Especially slow yoga, like yin, makes changes in connective tissue and fascial fluidity, as we keep our muscles relaxed. Happy fascia is fluid and strong.
In this workshop you will learn how yin practice tonifies connective tissues and fascia, opens long muscular chains, hydrates joints and body, purifies the inner organs, and eliminates the blockages in energy channels, meridians freeing the flow of Qi-energy.
WHAT IS YIN? Yin is a slow but effective yoga practice with long held postures targeted mainly to hips, pelvis, spine and lower body. Long held postures and breath compress also connective tissues, fascia and organs. They stimulate and open the meridians, the pathways for vital Qi-energy, connected to the organs, which let energy run freely in the body.
Yin improves flexibility, nourishes fascia, and opens joints and body. Yin practice helps to restore and rejuvenate our energy and raise vitality. It also helps in the path of mindfulness and self-control. Gentle and slow yin reduces stress and restlessness, and brings joy. Working with slow mindfulness, calmness and happiness raises.
HOW&WHAT? We practice one and half hours basics of for fascia and long muscular chains by special sequences targeted to different body parts. We also raise our Qi-energy by breathing. We talk about Chinese Medicine, organs and meridians, and do visualizations, some Taoistic practices, medical qigong, and mindfulness and meditation.
We speak about the importance of knowing your body and controlling your mind. We finish by calming our mind with closing asanas, and long savasana.
- You will understand better your body, muscles and fascia, which helps in all practices.
- Hydrates fascia, removes stiffness and releases pain.
- Improves flexibility and mobility.
- Even one practice can change your form and body posture.
- After the practice the feeling is open, spacious and balanced.
- You fill with new energy, knowledge and wisdom.
TIME: Saturday 28th of March at 11-12.30 (Madrid time)
ZOOM: ID and password given by booking
FEE: 10€ euros
PAYMENT: PayPal:, Mobilepay: 040 5659652 / Bank account, ask if needed.
INFO & BOOKINGS: +34 691883083 / Laura
INFO: and Instagram
The workshop suits for everybody, who is interested of self-development and holistic wellbeing.
Teacher: Laura, specialized in yin, yin&yang and Traditional Chinese Medicine / FB: