Meditation leads to insight


ZENBLOG // Why meditate daily? It will change your brain, and then it will change your life. You can become completely free.

We first make our mind, and then our mind makes us.

You oversee your brain, mind and thoughts. When we let our conditioned brain and distracted mind be in charge, we remain stuck in old, predictable thoughts, state of mind, patterns, and behaviour.

Good news: we can break free of our habitual thinking, mind, and emotional patterns.

Vipassana means insight. I have been practicing meditation five weeks in Vipassana meditation course organised by Nirodha, which is an organisation in Finland for Insight Meditation. It deepened my practice and taught me living daily in mindfulness – to live in a present moment.
I have participated earlier in Vipassana meditation course too, but as I am a keen student and practitioner, I want to repeat what I have learnt and practice, to return to the roots of the teachings, and contemplate them from a new point of view, as we change. Also, a different teacher gives freshness to studies.

We had weekly online meetings with dharma talks, meditations, and sharing. Every time we had different themes, which led us deeper to teachings and practice.

First, we were exploring to meditate with the anchor object, which was the breathing. Second time we looked at the hindrances or the obstacles of meditation, which are graving, aversion, doubt, restlessness, and lethargy. Then we meditated with sensations, feelings, and perceptions, and learned why meditate. Fourth session concentrated in Brahmaviharas, the Virtues of the Heart, and we made a Metta meditation. Finally, we practiced open awareness meditation, and talked about how to maintain and continue the practice. I made a promise to make meditation a daily habit, to commit on practice. It is the way to peace and concentration, in turbulent times.

A way to look deeply to inner self. In Vipassana meditation – also known as insight meditation – we practice self-observation and cultivate self-awareness by focusing on inner self in a non-judgmental way.

Vipassana is a way to self-transformation through self-observation. It focuses on the deep interconnection between mind and body. It can be experienced directly by disciplined attention to the physical sensations that form the life of the body, and that continuously interconnect and condition the life of the mind.

It is this observation-based, self-exploratory journey to the common root of mind and body that dissolves mental impurity, resulting in a balanced, concentrated mind full of peace and harmony.

Launch yourself daily. In meditation it’s possible recognize our true self in present awareness. We will become free from the conditioned responses of our minds and bodies. In Vipassana, it all arises within the silence of our own awareness.

Launch yourself daily, every morning start anew.

Living from true self, in present moment, you can control your mind, and find love, joy and peace. May all beings live with insight and wisdom.

Let these thoughts guide us.

More news of Yin Yoga Teacher Training YIN 70h and Yin & Mindfulness -training soon! 

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